Kite trip to Sardinia

Sardinia is an Italian island famous for its beautiful beaches, rich history and friendly hosts. For all the wind and water sport fans, it is known for excellent wind statistics and great kite spots. If you decide to kite in Sardinia, this will be one of your best kite choices.

Where will we kite?

On the Punta Trettu spot, which is located in the South-West of Sardinia near the S’Antioco Island, about an hour away from Cagliari airport (by car).

What’s the spot like?

The kite spot is very spacious, and because of the shallow water and nearby peninsula, the water is flat, meaning excellent conditions for beginners and advanced freestyle fans. The kite spot operates on different wind directions. The best ones are North-West and South-East.

Who’s it for?

Very suitable for the beginners, the flat-water lovers and the freestylers. On another spot (only half an hour away) the wave lovers will get what they are looking for.

How are the wind conditions?

The ideal time to visit Sardinia is from April to October, because wind statistics are best in that period. The wind strength can vary greatly, ranging between 15 and 30 knots.

What kite courses do you offer?

In Sardinia we offer all kite courses. You may choose from the following:

Where else can we kite?

Near Punta Tretta, there are several other beaches that are suitable for kiteboarding: Funtanamare, Chia, Porto Botte …

The Package Offer

Flight from Venice:

Would you like a personalized offer?

Would you like to travel to Sardinia with your own car, would you like to have your own private apartment or your own car rental? Contact us and we will prepare your offer. Send an inquiry.

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